Religious Studies


Religious Education is at the core of the curriculum in St. Anthony’s.  We are committed to supporting students at whatever stage they might be on their faith journey.  We strive to help students achieve their full potential as human beings.

We believe it is essential that all students should have an appreciation of the religious and spiritual dimension of life. We aim to encourage awareness and appreciation of the pupils’ own worth and that of others and also to respect the rights of other people who have beliefs which are different to their own. As a Catholic community it is our duty to deepen the knowledge and understanding of Catholic and other religious traditions but also to enable young people to explore their own story, experiences, personal beliefs and that of others whatever their faith background.

Our aim is to develop learners who are able to

  • develop their knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith;
  • continually deepen their religious and theological understanding and be able to communicate this effectively;
  • develop their knowledge and awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities in order to respect and understand them.
  • engage with the rich diversity in Britain.
  • support the spiritual, moral, cultural and social skills of other students
  • appreciate and engage with diversity of opinion in world views
  • challenge worldviews which promote racism, ignorance and religious hatred.

RE is also an academic subject and pupils are expected to develop skills of research, thinking, reasoning, communication and co-operation. We therefore strive to help to develop the skills for GCSE or A Level Religious Studies.

We offer a huge range of activities outside of the classroom which we hope will inspire and increase enjoyment in the subject, e.g. pilgrimages, study days at universities, retreats, guest speakers, visits to places of worship, visiting theatre groups.

All students in St. Anthony’s study GCSE Religious Studies. The course content aims to develop knowledge, skills and understanding of religion. We explore the significance and impact of beliefs, teachings, sources, practices and ways of life.  RE lessons also give students the opportunities to express personal responses to the big questions in life, such as “Who am I?” “What happens when I die?”  “What is the meaning of life?”

“I have come” Christ said “that you may have life and have it in all its abundance.”



Religious Education – Key Stage 3

RE Year 7

RE Year 8

RE Year 9

All students in Key Stage 3 will study the following areas in Religious Education:

Year 7

– Belonging

– Christian belief

– Judaism

– Jesus

– Pilgrimage

Year 8

– Getting to know God

– Love and Forgiveness

– Islam

– Human Rights

– The Gospels

Year 9

– Mark’s Gospel

– How Jesus saves

– Ethics

– Students then start their GCSE course

Religious Education – Key Stage 4

RE Year 11

RE Year 10

This GCSE takes a distinctive issues-based approach to the study of Catholic Christianity. It integrates a 75% study of Catholic Christianity, with a 25% study of Judaism. Component 1 is entitled Foundational Catholic Theology and Component 2 is entitled Applied Catholic Theology.

The course enables learners to gain knowledge and understanding of two religions: Catholic Christianity and Judaism.

Theme 1: Foundational Catholic Theology (37.5%)

Section 1: Origins and Meaning

This theme requires learners to consider Catholic Christian and non-religious beliefs about the origins and value of the universe and human life.

It covers key themes such as:

• creation ex nihilo

• evolution

• imago Dei

• inspiration

• omnipotence

• revelation

• stewardship

• transcendence

Section 2: Good and Evil

This theme requires learners to consider philosophical questions concerning the origins and nature of good and evil and different religious answers to the problem of evil and suffering.

It covers key themes such as:

• conscience

• evil

• free-will

• goodness

• incarnation

• Natural Law

• suffering




Theme 2: Applied Catholic Theology (37.5%)

Section 1: Life and Death

This theme requires learners to consider religious beliefs about the nature of life and death.

It covers key themes such as:

• death

• eternal life

• heaven

• hell

• judgement

• Magisterium

• resurrection

• soul

Section 2: Sin and Forgiveness

This theme requires learners to consider philosophical questions concerning the nature of criminality and the rationale for punishment. Through a study of teachings and beliefs, questions relating to the justifiability of capital punishment will be explored.

It covers key themes such as:

• absolutism

• Eucharist

• evangelisation

• forgiveness

• punishment

• relativism

• salvation

• sin



Theme 3: Study of Judaism (25%)

Section 1: Beliefs and Teachings

·         Nature of the Almighty

·         Shekhinah

·         Messiah

·         Covenant with Moses

·         Covenant with Abraham

·         Sanctity of life

·         Mitzvot

·         Life after death


Section 2: Practices

·         Acts of worship

·         The Tenakh and Talmud

·         Prayer

·         Shema

·         Rituals

·         Shabbat

·         Festivals

·         Features of a synagogue


Religious Education – Key Stage 5

Year 12 RE

Year 13 RE

AS/A2 Level Christian Theology

Students who opt to study at AS/A2 level follow the Eduqas Religious Studies specification, which involves three  components throughout the course; Ethics, Christianity and Philosophy. In Year 1 students will complete units such as Ethical Thought, Religious Experience and Religious Figures and Sacred Texts.  At A2 Level, students will explore questions around Social and Historical Developments in Religious Thought, Religious Language and Free Will.

Year 13 General RE

Year 12 General RE

General RE in the Sixth Form

All students in Years 12 and 13 study General RE. In Year 12 students will examine all the world faiths alongside an ethical theory and a chosen theme. For example, ‘What do Situation ethicists and Hindus believe about forgiveness?’

In Year 13 students look at various themes such as; Black Catholic Faith Role Models, Mental Health and World Faiths and their Festivals. This will enable students to see the real life impact of faith around the world and prepare them for life outside the Academy.

Curriculum Plans

RE Curriculum Map St. Anthony’s KS3-4

RE Curriculum Map St. Anthony’s KS5

RE KS5 General RE Curriculum Map


We know from all those who internally, and externally, review the work of our school that our pupils/students are cheerful, creative, conscientious and confident.  Employers regularly tell us that our pupils/students are professional and act with honesty and integrity.  Our school has been very successful with numerous external accreditations, for the community and the individuals within it, over many decades.  Our staff and pupil/students very much feel part of our Mercy community.

Our RE curriculum helps our pupils/students to develop the detailed knowledge and skills required to progress to the next stage of education, employment or training.  Our teaching and learning programmes support our pupils/students to know, understand and remember more theological knowledge and to achieve subject fluency, enabling them to grow and develop as RE students.  Our lessons support the development of a deep knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith and its core teachings, and help to ensure that our students are capable of living the fullness of a Christian life. RE at St. Anthony’s allows students to develop skills of evaluation, critical thinking and analysis, whilst also developing the skills required for students to successfully live in a multi-faith society. Staff in the RE department support subject specific literacy and numeracy for all our pupils/students to help them succeed in their studies and they aim to holistically develop the gifts and talents of each individual within a caring, compassionate, charitable and challenging Christian environment.

Our impactful RE curriculum develops students with the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding to have a positive impact within family, friendship groups, school/college, university, the workplace and the wider community.  Our wide-ranging and broad-based curriculum offer, and varied extended curricular opportunities, within RE provide an opportunity for everyone.

We know that our students are reliable, responsible, resilient and radical individuals who are ready to use their talents positively wherever life may take them. Generations of pupils/students have chosen St. Anthony’s over the decades and centuries.  We are extremely proud of our alumni, many of whom are regular contributors to our school community as it continues to grow and develop.  Many families have fourth or fifth generation connection to our school and many staff have given decades of service, such is the impact of being part of this school community.

Everyone in our community is aware of what it means to be an Antonian: to pursue excellence, to build community, to show concern for those who may be disadvantaged and to particularly support the education of women and girls. We have definitely had an impact within this “city by the sea”, and well beyond it, since we were founded in 1904.  We are confident that our distinctive ethos will continue to have a big impact as it is carried forward by future generations of Antonians.