
On 1st June 2020, St. Anthony’s Girls’ Catholic Academy/St. Aidan’s Catholic Academy was transferred from Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Education Trust (Companies House 07968898) to Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust (Companies House 09940352).

Details regarding the Members and Directors of Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust can be obtained from Get Information About Schools (GIAS) or

We have an active Local Governing Committee which has representation from many stakeholders:  Foundation governors are appointed by the Bishop, parent governor is elected by parents of current students; and staff governor is elected by all staff.  All Governors are volunteers and receive no pay, including expenses.

The Local Governing Committee meets once a half term.

Foundation Governors

Mrs M. Galbraith (Chair)

Mrs H. Schofield (Vice Chair)

Ms J. Duncan

Mrs A. Lawrance

Parent Governor

Mrs J. Little

Staff Governor

Mrs S. Ward

Head Teacher Governor

Mrs Marie Lanaghan (Headteacher)

Mrs M. Galbraith, Chair of Governors can be contacted c/o St Anthony’s Girls’ Catholic Academy, Thornhill Terrace, Sunderland, SR2 7JN.  Telephone: 0191 5658904

All correspondence to be addressed to: St. Anthony’s Girls’ Catholic Academy, Thornhill Terrace, Sunderland SR2 7JN

To view the latest Governance documents please click on the links below:

St Anthony’s LGC Membership 2024-25

St Anthony’s LGC Attendance Register 2023-24

Local Governing Body Governor Link Areas

St Anthony’s Governor Register of Interests 2023-24

Local Governing Committee Terms of Reference

Governor Core Competencies and Code of Conduct

Role of Governors

BCCET Link Governor Policy

Scheme of Delegation

Governors who have left in the last 12 months