Y6/7 Transition Arrangements 2024



Transition Newsletter 1: Introduction into Transition

Transition Newsletter 2: Uniform

Transition Newsletter 3: Teacher Feature

Transition Newsletter 4: Transition Day Arrangements

PARENT GUIDE – Summer Holiday Home Activity Booklet – Transitioning from Y6 to Y7

Key Information

All About St Anthony’s – A Helpful Guide to Transition (Students, Parents and Carers)

Transition days 2024 Menu

Starting Secondary School – Advice for Parents/Carers & Advice for Students

Personal Development

Transition To-Do List

Meeting New People – Top Tips

Catholic Life and Chaplaincy

A message from our Y7’s

Please see image below of where the ribbon and house badge need to be sewn.  (The purple ribbon is in place of the white one in this example)

Policies to Familiarise Yourself With

Home Academy Agreement

Uniform Policy

Parent Carer Guidance – Supporting Children’s Transition in to Secondary School

Parent Carer Guide – Talking mental health with young people

PE Kit Information

Parent Top Tips