
Sunderland Young Achievers Awards

The Annual Sunderland Young Achievers Awards was held at the Stadium of Light at the end of March. Emmie Thompson was a winner in the Youth Arts 15-20 year old category with her painting Canis Lupus. This is the second year Emmie has won this award. Last year she was a winner in the 11- […]

Young Film Makers Winners!

Sisters and St Anthony’s students Emmie and Lilly Thompson have recently been celebrating another win for their creative talents. The girls created an animation called Mitchell Goldfield, and won their age category at the INDI Awards, a part of the Leeds Film Festival. More details can be found here. Another fantastic achievement for these already […]

Generosity of Year 9 Demonstrated By Food Bank Donation

In the run up to the Easter holidays pupils from year 9 put the needs of others firmly before themselves by collecting a huge amount of food to donate to a local food bank. The idea came from Samantha Dickinson, a pupil in year 9, who helped coordinate the collection with Mrs Wolland and a […]

Examination revision during the Easter holidays

Exams are fast approaching, and the Easter holidays provides students with forthcoming examinations vital opportunities to revise. Proper preparation is important, and we advise our students to plan their revision activities properly to help them manage their workload, ensure they rest as well as work and make sure they commit to an achievable schedule. The […]

The Antonian Awards 2015

The Antonian Awards 2015 to celebrate the success and achievements of pupils from Art, Music, Sport & PE, Drama and Technology took place on 26th March.   All pupils, parents and guests were invited to a formal dinner and presentation evening at the Roker Hotel. The evening was, once again, a great success!  The nominated pupils […]

Arts Award Success!

Arts Award moderation took place on the morning of 20th March – our second cohort to undertake this fantastic scheme all passed their Bronze awards with flying colours!  The moderator was really impressed with the variety and high quality of the girls’ projects. Photo L-R: Georgia Bell, Ella Colgan, Grace Copeland, Anna Donkin, Ciara Ellis, […]

Winners! St Anthony’s Triumphs in City Sings Contest!

St Anthony’s is celebrating the latest success for our senior choir, who are going from strength to strength. The girls competed in the City Sings competition on Sunday 15th March at the Sunderland Empire, and they were crowned winners in not only the Secondary Schools category but also overall winners! The Academy is very proud […]

World Book Day 2015

Thursday 5th March saw St Anthony’s join in the fun of reading by celebrating World Book Day in supremely enthusiastic style! Pupils from years 7 to 9 joined many of our teachers in dressing up as their favourite character, in turn raising money for the charity Book Aid International. Characters as diverse as Wally (from […]

Two fantastic new Library resources!

St Anthony’s is delighted to be offering two brand new services to all pupils of the Academy. The first is a development of our library management software which allows pupils to access our inventory of resources from outside of the library environment, check if the resource they want is available and explore the entire collection […]

Theology – Visit and Retreat

A joint Sixth Form RE visit took place to Leeds University Theology Department and a retreat to Myddelton Grange Leeds involving philosophy students from St. Aidan’s and theology students from St. Anthony’s. The academic aim of this visit was to encourage students to think about continuing with their RE studies by taking theology at degree […]