
Welcome to the recent edition to St Anthony’s Girls’ Catholic Academy’s ‘Spotlight’ Summer magazine. Please click on the link below to access.

The opening of the new St. Anthony’s Girls’ Catholic Academy July 2017
“Calling all Antonians” St. Anthony’s has been rebuilt, and refurbished, on the existing site. Past pupils, and past staff, are invited to book a tour. Please click on the link for the details. Tour of St Anthony’s Girls’ Catholic Academy July 2017

Summer Key Event Dates 2017
Please click on the link below to see more information on the key event dates for the Summer term at St. Anthony’s Girls’ Catholic Academy. Summer key event dates 2017

Free School Meals
The Local Authority, Together for Children, has launched a new Family Portal to enable parents and carers to make an online application for free school meals. Parents should visit the following website to make their application: There is a step-by-step guide to making an application which is available to download from the website. Please […]

Online Survey for Parents/Carers
Dear Parents/Carers Please take the time to complete the following online survey requested by the Catholic Bishops Conference of England & Wales in preparation for the 2018 Synod.

Operation Encompass
What is Operation Encompass? The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in a domestic abuse incident. Following an incident at home, children will often arrive at school distressed, upset and unprepared for the day. Sunderland City Council, Northumbria Police and nominated Key Adults in […]

Music at St. Anthony’s
Please click on the link below to see more information and success stories of music opportunities at St. Anthony’s Girls’ Catholic Academy Music at St. Anthony’s

Letter to parents from Sunderland Secondary Headteachers regarding Funding Changes
Letter to parents from Sunderland Headteachers regarding funding changes. Click here to read the letter.

We’re in the top 100 in England!
We are incredibly proud to share a letter we have received from Nick Gibbs MP, Minister of State for School Standards. In the letter, Mr Gibbs congratulates St Anthony’s Girls’ Catholic Academy, for the second year running on our fantastic results in 2016, especially in English Baccalaureate subjects. The wonderful results of our pupils in the core […]

Letter to parents regarding Monitoring Social Media Usage
Letter to Parents Carers Social Media March 2017