Year 9 Nissan Skills Academy

This is an extraordinary opportunity that is unique to St Aidan’s and St Anthony’s so we urge you to make a competitive application before the deadline (Tuesday 25th June) Please submit your application to Mrs Dudley:

To apply, please complete the application form which can be found below. You will need to include your personal details and your parent/guardian’s details too. The personal information section needs to be completed by your parent/guardian and they will also need to consent to your application by signing the form. Please see below guidance on how to write your personal statement. There is also a booklet on careers in engineering if you would like more information about this particular career path.

Here is a draft timetable of what lessons would look like across both sites:

Application Form:

Application Form

Letter to Parents/Guardians:

Year 9 Letter to Parents – Nissan opportunity

Personal Statement Guidance:

How to write a personal statement

Careers in Engineering:

Engineering Information Booklet