Thornhill Terrace.
The following communication has been sent to all parents and carers on Friday 8th October 2021
Thornhill Terrace.
- Please do note there are parking restrictions in place on the residential side of Thornhill Terrace from 9-10am and from 2-3pm.
- There is a “no stopping” restriction in place from 8-5pm on the school side of the Thornhill Terrace.
- Fines are regularly received for infringements.
Please do avoid a fine and being stuck in congestion, whilst also being considerate to our neighbours who live on Thornhill Terrace, by not driving down Thornhill Terrace at the start and end of the school day.
Thornhill Terrace as you are aware is a cul-de-sac and there are very limited options for turning/manoeuvring.
Please also note that the Beresford Park and Abbotsford Grove area is a private estate and the roads in this area are for residential use only.
In order to reduce the possibility of our pupils being involved in an accident on Thornhill Terrace with cars turning and manoeuvring; our parents, staff and local residents being caught up in congestion at peak times and the car drivers receiving a fine please do not drive down the Terrace at peak times.
We also wish to ensure good relations with our neighbours, and some exercise for your daughter, by this request not to drop off /collect your daughter by car on Thornhill Terrace at peak times, unless she has a mobility issue.
Please drop your daughter off at a safe place, a little distant from the school, and allow her to walk the last small part of her journey.
Thank you very much, in anticipation, for your help with this very important matter.