Miss Jude Wallis

Senior Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning)

Jude has been a teacher for over 20 years.  She has taught a number of subjects, principally History but also Law and English and was Subject Leader for Social Sciences for 6 years.  This included leadership and management of 11 different subjects and over 20 staff.  She is currently an Associate Assistant Headteacher responsible for Teaching and Learning, KS4 intervention and Quality Assurance. Jude was designated as an SLE in 2013 and since then she has worked with a number of colleagues across different schools and departments to raise pupil achievement.  Working with colleagues from other schools and supporting the progression of young people is something she really enjoys and she looks forward to working with more colleagues in the future.

Areas of support:

  • Raising achievement in History
  • Leadership and management of departments
  • Teaching and Learning