Sixth Form

St. Aidan’s and St. Anthony’s Catholic Sixth Form

St. Aidan’s and St. Anthony’s have, over many decades, worked together to deliver a wide ranging post-16 curriculum to the young people of both schools and beyond. From September 2018, we will provide a joint offer to all the young people within both schools and those who join us from other schools annually.

We very much welcome applications from young people joining us from other schools and academies for their post-16 education.  There is a long history of applications at 16 from across the city and beyond, and the students who join us have been both happy and successful in their studies.

Our Sixth Form is hosted in three buildings closely linked to the history of both schools : The Briery (St. Aidan’s) and Gabriel House and Somerleyton House (St. Anthony’s). These provide distinct post-16 facilities for students.  Post-16 students will make use of the brand new facilities at St. Anthony’s including touch screen technology within classrooms and twelve new laboratories.  We also have new Music, Art, Design, Technology and PE facilities, as well as a beautiful new hall with an adjacent drama suite and chapel.

Please enter our Sixth Form site for further information. Click here: aaasixthform

Sixth Form Memorandum of Understanding