Public Examinations Advance Information and Contingency Planning

2022 exam changes – Advance information

To help students revise, examination boards have published advance information about the focus of exams for most subjects at GCSE, AS and A-level.

Advance information is one part of the package of changes for 2022. For some qualifications they have introduced other changes, such as optionality, changes to non-exam assessment (NEA) and fieldwork requirements, and providing equation sheets in exams.

For more details, read the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) guidance for teachers and students on the use of advanced information for 2022.

Click here to access a summary JCQ Advance Information Student Guide

Each Examination Board has a dedicated webpage for this information:





The teachers  will be studying the relevant sections for their subjects and guiding students, but we would encourage all parents/carers and students to also make themselves familiar with the advance information.

Grading in the summer 2022 exam series

Ofqual has also confirmed its plans for grading standards for the summer 2022 exam series.

In a blog they explain their plan for a fair and gradual return to pre-pandemic grading standards.

  • Summer 2022 will be a transition year to reflect that we’re in a pandemic recovery period – but will still include a grading safety net with more generous grading than pre-pandemic years.
  • In 2023, Ofqual will aim to return to results that are in line with those in pre-pandemic years.

Read the Ofqual Blog in full:

Results Day in 2022

Summer 2022 results days will be one week apart as usual.

  • Thursday 18 August – AS, A-levels and similar VTQs
  • Thursday 25 August – GCSEs and similar VTQs

Contingency arrangements

We hope exams will be able to go ahead as planned this summer. But in case they can’t, Ofqual and the DfE have confirmed the continguency arrangements for summer 2022 GCSE, AS and A-level exams:

These arrangements include using grades provided by schools and colleges for GCSEs, AS and A-levels.

Ofqual has published detailed guidance on these contingency arrangements, as well as publishing open letters to schools, students and private candidates. The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has also published some frequently asked questions.



In addition, the DfE has published separate guidance on the contingency plans for VTQs

Should Ofqual, DFE or the examination boards publish and further updates ahead of the summer examinations we will of course be in communication to keep you updated.

Finally it is important that parents/carers and students realise that the changes described in this letter are for the examination series in summer 2022 only.