Covid-19 Update
Update on covid-19 13.01.22
Letter to Parent/Carer 7th January 2022
Letter Parent/Carer 7th January 2022
Face Coverings Update January 2022
Dear parent/carer The latest government guidance is for the re-introduction of face coverings in classrooms as well as in communal areas. This is until January 26th in the first instance, when it will be reviewed by the Department for Education. We have been strongly advised that parents/carers should provide students with a face covering to […]
The Foundation of Light are offering some amazing NCS opportunities for Summer 2022. Please find below for more information. NCS Leaflet
Looking after your mental health at Christmas
Christmas and mental health Looking after your mental health is so important, and for many of us, Christmas is a difficult time of year. These resources provide some advice and tips for ways to look after and manage your mental health leading up and during the festive period.
Unison: Stars in Our Schools
Unison City of Sunderland Branch awarded St Anthony’s with their Stars in Our Schools award on Thursday 23rd November. This is to certify that the City of Sunderland Branch of Unison acknowledge that St Anthony’s and all its staff as stars in the local community.
Music Mark
We are now a Music Mark school! Congratulations to our Music department who have been nominated for providing a high-quality music education to all students. School Certificate 21-22
Y11 Getting ready for GCSEs Information Evening
Dear Parents & Carers of Y11, In line with our health and safety guidelines regarding large gatherings, we have unfortunately had to cancel the Y11 getting ready for GCSEs information evening on Tuesday 9th November. We will be putting all exam information and revision advice on the website soon.
Parent/Carer Support Sessions
The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families are running parent and carer support sessions this half term to help with you and your child’s wellbeing. Please click here for further information.
Thornhill Terrace.
The following communication has been sent to all parents and carers on Friday 8th October 2021 Thornhill Terrace. Please do note there are parking restrictions in place on the residential side of Thornhill Terrace from 9-10am and from 2-3pm. There is a “no stopping” restriction in place from 8-5pm on the school side of […]