In science we
- aim to guide students to become scientifically knowledgeable, scientifically literate and methodical problem solvers, by fostering a spirit of independent inquiry, nurturing curiosity and bringing current, relevant, real world science into the classroom.
- are committed to raising standards of achievement and promoting a lifelong culture of learning through an education in science.
We aim to do this by:
- Stimulating an interest in, and enjoyment of, science.
- Providing the opportunities and challenge for all to achieve their full potential.
- Providing a relevant science curriculum.
- Encouraging a culture of questioning and feeding the natural inquisitiveness of students.
- Developing an awareness of the social, economic and environmental implications of science that will enable pupils to contribute positively to society.
- Providing the best possible standard of teaching and opportunities for learning.
- Developing students to become increasingly independent, building confidence in practical and data handling skills and greater depth of understanding in each topic.
- Allowing students to develop an understanding of the relevance of STEM in the wider world and the associated career opportunities regardless of background.
- Allowing students to develop an understanding of and their responsibility for their health and also risk factors associated with unhealthy choices, drink and drugs.
- Allowing students to achieve economic wellbeing through academic success and the associated opportunities in STEM careers and further study.
- Allowing students to make a positive contribution to the learning of others through the development of their team-working and practical skills when appropriate.
Within science, students will develop their scientific skills particularly the development of scientific thinking, experimental skills, analysis and evaluation of data and the use of scientific vocabulary, quantities, units, symbols and nomenclature. Mathematical skills will also be developed such as arithmetic and numerical computation, handling data, algebra, graphs, geometry and trigonometry. There are extensive resources on the school VLE (Frog) to help students with their Science Studies.
KS3 Science
Chemistry KS3-4 Curriculum Map
KS3 Science is taught in years 7 and 8 and the schemes of work are based on the 2013 National Curriculum Programme of Study. Students are timetabled for three hours of Science each week and are usually taught by one science teacher. The following topics are taught using ‘Gold Standard Resources’, developed by the Science Staff to enhance learning and deliver parity of opportunity to all KS3 students. The KS3 topics in order are shown below:
Year 7:
Cells and Organisation, States of Matter, Energy, Nutrition and Digestion, Atoms, Elements and Compounds, Electricity, Reproduction, Pure and Impure Substances, Magnetism, Gas Exchange Systems, Health and Space
Year 8:
Photosynthesis, Chemical Reactions, Light Waves, Respiration, The Periodic Table, Sound, Ecology, Earth and Atmosphere, Forces and Motion, Genetics and Evolution, Skeletons and Muscles and Pressure and Moments
Skill Development
Student are encouraged to work scientifically throughout KS3. They will develop their scientific attitudes, learning to pay attention to objectivity and precision. Students will become skilled at planning scientific enquiries to test their predictions and carry out fieldwork and laboratory work to generate data that can be analysed and evaluated.
Resources to support learning in KS3 Science
Learning in Key Stage 3 Science is supported using ‘Exploring Science’ textbook series, ‘CGP KS3 Revision Guides’, ‘GCSE Podcast’, and ‘Sam-Learning’. There are also extensive resources on the school VLE (Frog).
KS4 Science
KS4 Biology Implementation
KS4 Chemistry Implementation
Chemistry KS3-4 Curriculum Map
At KS4 Science is taught by subject specialists as Chemistry, Biology and Physics from Y9-Y11. Students are set by ability at the end of Year 9 into science sets. The top two sets study AQA Biology, Chemistry and Physics GCSE’s and the rest of the cohort follow the AQA Combined Science course at either Higher (sets 3-6) or Foundation (sets 7-11) tier.
Biology KS4 Topics
- Cell biology
- Organisation
- Infection and response
- Bioenergetics
- Homeostasis and response
- Inheritance, variation and evolution
- Ecology
Chemistry KS4 Topics
- Atomic structure and the periodic table
- Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter
- Quantitative chemistry
- Chemical changes
- Energy changes
- The rate and extent of chemical change
- Organic chemistry
- Chemical analysis
- Chemistry of the atmosphere
- Using resources
Physics KS4 Topics
- Energy
- Electricity
- Particle model of matter
- Atomic structure
- Forces
- Waves
- Magnetism and electromagnetism
Skill Development
Within these topics, students will develop their scientific skills particularly the development of scientific thinking, experimental skills, analysis and evaluation of data and the use of scientific vocabulary, quantities, units, symbols and nomenclature. Mathematical skills will also be developed such as arithmetic and numerical computation, handling data, algebra, graphs, geometry and trigonometry. There are extensive resources on the school VLE (Frog) to help students with their KS4 Science Studies.
KS5 Science
Applied Science KS5 Curriculum Map
In the Sixth Form we offer A-levels in Biology, Chemistry and Physics as well as a Level 3 BTEC in Applied Science. More information about the Sixth Form Curriculum can be found at: www.aaasixthform.com and in the relevant Biology/Chemistry/Physics pages of this website.
The Science curriculum at St Anthony’s allows all students to develop their God given talents and gain the scientific knowledge and skills needed to become confident individuals who are able to understand and evaluate scientific information in order to make informed decisions that impact on their own lives and the lives of those around them. The Science curriculum also enables students to develop an increasing awareness of the moral and ethical dilemmas scientific discovery can bring and equips them with the knowledge and values needed to take part in the debates surrounding scientific issues, thus becoming active citizens of the world.
Through our well-structured schemes of work students gradually build up more and more complex and detailed knowledge of scientific concepts, laws and phenomena. The curriculum ensures this knowledge is built in a logical manner and that it becomes fluent and transferable to new and unfamiliar situations. The schemes of work also ensure that students become increasingly aware of how scientific discoveries are made and how the scientific process works. Practical work is used to reinforce key ideas and students become increasing more skilled at planning, carrying out and evaluating scientific experiments.
The Science curriculum provides many and increasing challenging opportunities for students to develop and practice their numeracy and literacy skills. Pupils acquire increasing confidence and success when writing and speaking as Scientists helping to ensure they enter the workplace as skilled communicators.
In summary, the Science curriculum at St Anthony’s ensures students develop the knowledge and skills required to achieve the qualifications that will allow them to progress on to the next stage of their education or training and become valuable, scientifically literate members of society.