Our History

We have been delivering high-quality education for young women for 120 years this year. School have lots of events planned for the academic year, including the opening of the Mercy Garden in September, the Senior Choir carol service in December (fundraising for St. Benedict’s Hospice) and artwork throughout school based on Catherine McAuley quotes, special assemblies, plus lots more. Keep an eye on our social media to find out more.

The Sisters Of Mercy first established a presence in Sunderland back in 1843, and St. Anthony’s Grammar school was established in 1902.  St. Anthony’s received state recognition in 1904, and in 1921 a Sixth Form was opened to continue the education of pupils Post-16.

St. Anthony’s moved to its current site in Thornhill Terrace in 1939 and has undergone many changes and transformations since. There have been many educational changes since St. Anthony’s was first established in Sunderland, and the school has adapted to these changes too.  The Catholic ethos and support of the Sisters of Mercy, however, has remain unchanged:  St. Anthony’s is a Catholic girls’ school that has provided high quality education for girls in Sunderland for more than a century.

Here is a brief summary of the history of St. Anthony’s:

1972 St. Anthony’s became a direct grant comprehensive
1976 St. Anthony’s became a voluntary aided comprehensive
1999 St. Anthony’s achieved Technology College status
2000 St. Anthony’s became a Beacon School, and joined the Hexham and Newcastle Catholic Partnership
2009 St. Anthony’s added Languages to its specialisms
2011 St. Anthony’s became a Leading Edge School
2012 St. Anthony’s acheived High Performing School status
2012 St. Anthony’s achieved academy status and became St. Anthony’s Girls’ Catholic Academy (a single academy)
2013 St. Anthony’s achieved ‘Outstanding in all four categories’ in the 2013 Ofsted inspection and in the Diocesan Inspection June 2013
2014 St. Anthony’s was awarded Teaching School status in September 2014
2018 St. Anthony’s was awarded “Outstanding” in all categories in the Diocesan Inspection
2019 St. Anthony’s was awarded International School status by the British Council
2020 St. Anthony’s was awarded World Class School status
2020 Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Education Trust merged with Northern Saints Catholic Education Trust to form Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust as part of diocesan plans