
St. Anthony’s Girls’ Catholic Academy fully recognises that keeping our students safe and promoting their wellbeing is of utmost importance. Everyone who comes into contact with children has a role to play in safeguarding. The curriculum provides opportunities for students to become equipped with the skills they need to keep themselves safe and lead healthy lives. Our PD programme, assemblies and tutorial programme enables students to develop the attitudes needed to lead responsible lives. We encourage our students to talk to an adult if they are worried or in difficulty, and all staff are trained in safeguarding.

Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mrs K Richardson-Dunn

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads –  Mrs F Collins,  Miss J Britton

Director of Pupil Support – Mrs K Richardson-Dunn

Safeguarding Governor – Mrs Maureen Galbraith

Designated Teacher for Cared for and previously cared for children – Mrs K Richardson-Dunn

Useful Links

St. Anthony’s Safeguarding and child protection policy 2024-25

Child Friendly Safeguarding Policy – Secondary version

Operation Encompass –

Operation Encompass Letter to Parent/Carer

County Lines Information for Parents and Carers

Signpost North East and North Cumbria –

County Lines Parent and Carer Information

The Bread and Butter Thing