We are very privileged to have Ms. Szczepanska as our Academy Chaplain.
She is available in school and is based in O’Connell, where you will also find our chapel for quiet reflection.
Our chaplain coordinates our preparation for Mass every Friday, as well as the celebrations for events and feast days throughout the year. In the approach to Christmas and Easter there are special celebrations and activities arranged to prepare for these great feasts.
Weekly Mass is held on a Friday at 8.30 am with priests from our parishes offering Mass in turn, and there are opportunities for pupils to help prepare Mass, serve, read, prepare the hall or help with the music.
Praying at Home
As a school we acknowledge the fact that parents/carers are the first educators of their children and the important role you play in the spiritual formation of your child. To support you with this we have collated a collection of prayers, many written by our students, which may support you to lead prayers at home. Please note, this collection will be updated every half term.
Useful Links
St. Anthony’s Family Prayer Book